
How to Fix Flatpak App Errors

This weekend, I started looking into Flatpak and installed a few applications to test. One of the apps I installed and ran into a few errors with was Bilelmoussaoui’s Authenticator application, here’s how I fixed them.

Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
Could not read the secret code,the keyring keys were reset manually
Could not read the secret code,the keyring keys were reset manually
Could not read the secret code,the keyring keys were reset manually

The Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module" error you can ignore. Basically it means that the distro you’re currently running doesn’t have the software that the app wants currently installed. However, you can safely ignore it.

The Could not read the secret code,the keyring keys were reset manually error means that the app couldn’t access your user account’s keyring. In my case, I tried setting a password in the Authenticator app settings and it probably changed the password to my account keyring preventing the app from grabbing the data.

The Fix

  1. Uninstall the app you want to remove. flatpak remove {Application Name}
  2. Delete the folder from /home/.var/app/{Application Name}
  3. Reinstalling the app and it should work as expected now.

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